Pet Pure

Buyer's Guide to Air Purifiers

From removing harmful airborne particles and odors, to reducing the time spent cleaning, an air purifier is a household asset. It can help clear your allergies, reduce the transmission of airborne diseases, and ultimately contribute to healthy living. With the different technologies available, it can be tough to choose which type of air purifier to purchase. We're here to help guide you!

Air Filter Benefits

Guardian Technologies™ has you covered in providing the air filter best suited to your particular living situation. All of our Air Filters are either: HEPA-Type, True HEPA or Pet Pure® HEPA, each with their particular benefits.


What is Cat Dander Allergy & How to Reduce or Control Allergies for Cat Dander

Read any article on allergy and asthma triggers. What do you find? Avoiding cat dander as well other animal dander and allergens tops every list of recommendations. Perhaps you or someone in your family has allergies and asthma. Is cat dander and allergen a real threat to your health? Should you be concerned? What action can you take to protect your own and your family's health?

Allergic to Dogs? Here is What You Can Do

Many people are allergic to dogs. If you are allergic to dogs, your allergy being serious enough to warrant emergency, you may have no choice but to give up your dog. But if your allergy is mild, you might have other options. While only your doctor and you can determine the best solution to the problem, learning more about your allergy can help you know what you can do about it.

How to Reduce Animal Dander in the Home

Do you begin to sniff and sneeze the minute Fido enters the room? Then you may very well be allergic to dogs or cats. But what is the real cause of pet allergies? Many believe a cat or a dog allergy involves a reaction to their fur. But in fact, animal dander is a common cause of pet allergies, and is actually old skin scales shed from these pets.